Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cerro Tololo

I've just returned from Cerro Tololo, Inter-American Observatory.

I was observing on SOAR telescope (above). It was my first visit in Chile, and also first observations on a such class telescope.

Main mirror has more than 4 meters diameter... it makes sound, mysterious noises...

Telescope is one of the high-tech. Sensors, servomotors (above) and computers makes telescope adaptive optics mechanism. sooo coool

That is my camera, SOI, and my assistant astronomer, Sergio. I don't know why steam is flowing from camera. I suppose there is some kind of steam engine, supplied with coal 8|

Control room and my post. First monitor - seeing and weather conditions, second - object monitor and dss maps, third and fourth - camera control GUI/SOI, last but not least - laptop - most important - facebook.

In the same complex, there is a famous Gemini telescope.

There is only one thing I can say aboute Gemini main mirror - IT'S HUGE!!!!!!
That small person in front of telescope - it's me.

Both telescpoes are on south edge of Atacama desert, very strange place, winds, earthquakes, and poisonous mutant animals, like this donkey-mule-horse I think.


Homunkulus said...
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Homunkulus said...

Wow! Gratuluję Marku! Jak udało Ci się dostać czas obserwacyjny na tym wielkim teleskopie?


Mr. R said...

Drogi Pawle P. - chetnie opowiem szczegoly przy jakims pifku, acz generalnie chodzi o to ze jestem w grupie Grzeska Pietrzynskiego i to On wyslal mnie na ten teleskop.