Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Black Hole?

Few nights ago we (me and Mr. R) have been in Las Ostrowik observatory to observe our object.
Because it was monday we were at the place late.
So: we turned on all that mystical devices, boxes et ceterea, to begin observations. You must know that it's not very hard work - we have script which do most of the job about taking pictures. After running this script we have 1 hour free time, then dome of the telescope needs to be moved. So we ran our script, and wanted to go get some dinner. Mr. R wanted also to wait a minute until the first pictures downloads and check if everything is all right. It was, so we went to the other building, to eat.

Next day, when I wanted to skim through images taken last night I saw what You can see here. It is animation made from 15 following pictures taken that night.

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