Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mr. R.

Beacause Mr. R. some time ago wrote a post about me, I couldn't leave it without a reply.

So, this is how exactly Mr. R. looks.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Black Hole?

Few nights ago we (me and Mr. R) have been in Las Ostrowik observatory to observe our object.
Because it was monday we were at the place late.
So: we turned on all that mystical devices, boxes et ceterea, to begin observations. You must know that it's not very hard work - we have script which do most of the job about taking pictures. After running this script we have 1 hour free time, then dome of the telescope needs to be moved. So we ran our script, and wanted to go get some dinner. Mr. R wanted also to wait a minute until the first pictures downloads and check if everything is all right. It was, so we went to the other building, to eat.

Next day, when I wanted to skim through images taken last night I saw what You can see here. It is animation made from 15 following pictures taken that night.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Maybe you have seen the post about our first outputs of OCO project.

There is a mention about something misticcally called "the graph". It's not there by accident. When You work with a Professor, it's very probable that you have to meet Him, from time to time, with some findings. It is also very probable that you have no any findings...

So what to do then? Try to plot some graph, "The graph", there is great chance that it will do it's job.

Obviously not always.

graphic comes from

OSSA V - part 2

And some personal memorings from OSSA V.

Mr. Gorzelnia and Mariusz playing and singing - in a little unique style.

This is party cavalry... when party is going to end, they arrive and all starts again :D

If You ever see this - DON'T DRINK IT!!!!!

Macarena during that night was most tranquil dance :)

and we had other activities than simple drinking and dancing :D
During that night it was decided that next year there will be a huge international students conference in Poland!

So, we bless YOU, organizers of OSSA V in Poznan!

OSSA V - part 1.

After two weeks, something about OSSA, National Astronomy Students Conference, this time it took place in Poznan. It's my favourite conference, why?

First - because high didactic level. You can hear about really interesting stuff, and what is more important - discuss about it.

second... high party level - it's very important to meat your friends from other institutes, which are working on similar subjects. Here You can see our friends from Szczecin - very good team to party!

But we meat to learn... so another day is for next talks...

very interesting talks... probably...

There is no time to rest, another day is another party...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Observatory car

Today with Mr. Gorzelnia we had to check if everything is all right with observatory car - which is used to travel to Ostrowik Observatory Station.

So check-list: head lights - ok, tail lights - perfect , tire pressure - probably ok, wipers - almost god. Now engine, oil - ok but mice are dead - WHAT THE...?!?!?

I even didn't know that mice are used for something in car engines!

... and, what is worst, I don't know, if the car will work with dead mice. Anyway we will never open the trunk...

YOAAW project - attack of the clones

Our faithful reader, Kozak (his nickname in polish means something like bandit from far west, south or anything...) provided us with pictures of Yerkes Observatory in Chicago. I'am starting to suspect some kind of conspiracy or plot, because it's also YELLOW!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What space?!

Almost year ago, our friend from Warsaw University of Technology TV proposed us to make a short film related to astronomy. Film had it's premiere in November, and during that show we were trying to disappear.. or at least not to show who we are... but we were wrong...

Few days ago, authors and director of that film (Piotrek i Kuba), were awarded on Popular-science film festival in Sopot, and the justification was something like this: "For passion dedicated to popularization of science (and patients to astronomers)".

watch "Ale kosmos!"

So, first... put your attention on Mr. Gorzelnia part... no one can understand what is he saying... even people that are working on the same project... after all I'm not sure if he really does.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Maybe YOAAW project?

So, after finding another yellow observatory in Poznan we begin to think about beginning new project: Yellow Observatories All Around the World. If You have seen yellow observatory and it's not described here, please tell us! It would be great to supply us with pictures of it, too.

Better propositions for name of the project welcome.

This is observatory in Poznan: