Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Astronomical institute

one more thing...
Do You know why I put this image here? Because that observatory in Neuchatel is yellow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once again I was right... :D

Monday, September 29, 2008


Here You have wideangle view of Neuchatel.
It's the best in bigger version, zoomed.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Our observations

So we have made some frames for our project named OCO (see OCO). After first reductions and data analysis we've got "the graph":

As you can see it looks rather like a baby drawing than a scientific plot, but it's not.

No matter what it shows, but it's the very first plot made for checking if all reductions goes well. They don't, it says...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

8th EANA Workshop - Neuchatel

The conference took place in "space-x institute" (cool name) in Neuchatel - it's a city in Jurassic mountains - whoooo ... we found no dinosaurs....

Oh, what a view...

In Neuchatel we borrowed bicycles, but we forgot about the Mountains. Travel time from hotel to conference centre is 30 minutes; opposite direction more than 2 hours :|

Last day we had free time before the flight, so we visited Zurich... and local pubs. Next year we'll meet in Brussels.

8th EANA Workshop - Science

Three days of lectures and poster sessions - about searching for life in the solar system, origins of Life, exoplanets and other strange things. Apart of people from Europe, scientist from USA (also NASA), Japan, China and Mexico took part in conference.

We had two posters, but we would like to forget about them... maybe someday we'll make it right!

"Yeaaa... actually we don't know what is on that plot... but it has to be somehow connected with astronomy... I think... "

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

8th European Astrobiology Workshop

Last week in Neuchatel (Switzerland) took place a conference organised by European Astrobiology Network Asociation. Ok, one can think, nothing special, but they had travel grants for participants and we have never been in Switzerland. Soon more news from Suisse.

Ostrowik observatory station

Last weak we've (Mr. Gorzelnia, Grzes Wiktorowicz and Mua) started to observe some astronomical object in our northern (yes, we are living at far north - 52 deg.) observational station in Ostrowik.

About Ostrowik one can read here

That is building of our 60 cm. telescope. That corrugated plate around walls is a kind of cooler... that means inside temperature is lower than outside... cool... intriguing yeah?

That is our 60cm. telescope itself... actually mass production; but it's cool, it makes noise and rotate!

Oh yeah... that is Mr. Gorzelnia and Me in telescope control room - you can control from here ccd camera, your mail, facebook, but not telescope - for that you have to run upstairs...

Astronomical institute

Do You ever wonder how Astronomical institute looks? No? Me either, but look at Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory, the place where we are studding.

And now look at Prague Astronomical Observatory, do You find any similarities?

Yes! It's yellow, and it's (what You can't see) close to botanic garden!

Originally posted by Mr. R at 2:29 AM, August 29, 2008

Mr. Gorzelnia

This is how exactly Mr. Gorzelnia looks.

Originally posted by Mr. R at 08-08-20, 8:02 PM 


Pomysłodawcą stworzenia tego bloga jest Michał, ukrywający się pod pseudonimem "gorzelnia". Jest gdzieś pomiędzy drugim a czwartym rokiem studiów astronomicznych UW, co oznacza że statystycznie pozostało mu około 7.23 lat studiów; jeżeli się postara ma szanse skończyć wcześniej!

Jest zamieszany w kilka projektów naukowo-rozrywkowych. Warto nadmienić że jest szefem koła naukowego astronomów... oczywiście stanowisko to uzyskał po zakulisowych rozgrywkach poprzednich władz...

Jego długie włosy sugerują niejasną i burzliwą przeszłość związaną z muzyką rockową i metalową, a tak w zasadzie to po prostu burzliwą i niejasną przeszłość...

About us

Ponieważ nie byłoby zabawy, gdyby każdy z nas napisał coś o sobie, a wypadałoby przybliżyc nasze postaci ogółowi postanowiliśmy, że każdy napisze coś o innym.

Mr. R,

jest studentem prawdopodobnie 5. roku astronomi. Chyba. W każdym razie w przerwach między słuchaniem Gaby Kulki i różnych innych smentów zajmuje się pisaniem pracy magisterskiej.

Oprócz tego zajmuje się komplikowaniem prostych rzeczy, po to tylko, żeby tak. Ponoc jest to też objaw walki z systemem.

Jest też pacyfistą i nigdy nie pójdzie do Wojska (tereaz nie jest to już takie trudne - nie pójśc...), za zawsze chciał zostać Ochotniczym Strażakiem Pożarniczym (OSP)

Ponadto nie lubi Italo PoP (dziwne, nie?)



Hi, we would like to describe you life and work of astronomy students, well - almost young astronomers...

Meet us, Mr. Gorzelnia and I, Mr. R.
Soon you will meet more of us!